Breast Cancer Awareness Month

At GreenCloud, we want to help raise money and awareness with our Pink Collection. This collection of luxury scrubs are black with just the right amount of pink accents.  We can donate 5% of sales of the Breast Cancer Awareness apparel to one of the two nonprofit organizations that have done exceptional work and you get to pick where to donate!

  • Breast Cancer Research Foundation 
  • National Breast Cancer Foundation Inc. 

If you prefer, you can share your donation equally between both of these nonprofits. 

Why Do We Wear Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness?

Wearing pink in October, or any other month is a way to honor those who have survived, remember those who we’ve lost, and support those currently undergoing treatment. While all of October is the “Pink Month,” on October 22, 2021, it is “Wear It Pink Day.” This is a special day to come together, show support, and raise money for life-saving research. Mark your calendar and remember to wear pink!

How Did Pink Become the Color for Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

The color pink is commonly known all over the world as the color for breast cancer today, but why? The ribbon has been the universal symbol of awareness and support since 1979 when Penney Laingen, wife of one of the men held prisoners during the Iran hostage crisis, decided to use a yellow ribbon to show support for her husband and the other hostages. Its history goes back much further: it is mentioned in five-hundred-year-old poems, in military marches, and in folk songs, even in films. But Penney Laingen used it for the first time publicly as a silent voice of support.  A decade later, the activist art group Visual AIDS turned the ribbon bright red, looped it, spruced it up, and sent it onto the national stage during the Tony Awards, pinned to the chest of actor Jeremy Irons. Again, a symbol of awareness and support.

When it came to the color for breast cancer, it was originally peach. A young activist and survivor, Charlotte Hayley, was trying to raise awareness about the lack of funding for breast cancer at the time.  It caught attention, and by the end of 1990, the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation began using pink in their Race for the Cure races, from pink visors to the ribbons themselves. It wasn’t until Estee Lauder paired up with Self Magazine, however, that the pink ribbons really caught on as a symbol of hope and support

Purchase Today!  

If you are looking for ways to support Breast Cancer Awareness with apparel you can wear to work, then look no further. Purchase our Matilda Top and Blackwell Bottoms with our hot pink accents to help raise awareness today!

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